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Tag Archives: heal

The Tell: Award-winning forecaster says U.S. economy might not heal by next year, putting stocks at risk of correction

The U.S. economy might not fully return to normal until 2022, and the stock market is at risk of a correction later in the summer, a leading economic forecaster said Friday. Christophe Barraud, chief economist and strategist at Market Securities in Paris, said the best case for the U.S. economy …

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Market Snapshot: What can Fed do to heal a coronavirus-stricken stock market that has seen $4.3 trillion in value vanish over past 7 sessions?

A historic week for the stock market ended with a big, fat question: What will the government and the Federal Reserve do about the coronavirus outbreak that threatens to decimate the longest-running bull market on record? The infectious disease, COVID-19, which reportedly originated in Wuhan, China, late last year, reached …

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