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Tag Archives: father

The Moneyist: ‘I have been plagued by enormous guilt and regret:’ I tried to care for my late father, but I gave up. How can I ever forgive myself?

Dear Moneyist, I am seeking advice on how to get over a terrible mistake I made. I did not care for my aged father. I am the oldest of three brothers. One of my brothers took his own life, and my other brother did not want anything to do with …

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The Moneyist: My son inherited money after his father was killed in an accident. A woman has come forward with another legal heir. Are we obliged to give him money?

Dear Moneyist, My ex-boyfriend was killed in an accident. With him being unmarried and my child being his only surviving child, he was awarded a large sum of money in the subsequent lawsuit. As he was 10 at the time, I set up an annuity to be dispersed between the …

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The Moneyist: My elderly father was physically abusive, and will leave his farm to my two sisters. Should I contest his will?

Dear Moneyist, I have 2 daughters. Growing up in an agricultural family during the farm crisis was tough. My dad was extremely abusive both physically and mentally. At 12 years old, he would pinch my ears with pliers. He told me once that he loved me, but he treated me …

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The Moneyist: My father moved his girlfriend, her cousin, and two kids into his 2-bedroom condo. I struggle to pay rent. What about me?

Dear Moneyist, When my maternal-great-aunt died, my father wanted me to help him purchase her property. He currently owns a condo and the arrangement we made is that, once he buys my aunt’s house, I will move into his condo and pay the HOA fees. A little more than a …

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The Moneyist: My father died from COVID-19, and left no will. My stepmother threatened to sell our family heirlooms — unless we sign over our claim to his estate. What can we do?

Dear Moneyist, My dad passed away from COVID-19 in April 2020. He was a first responder at a walk-in clinic, and was in great health with no underlying health conditions. His death is still a shock to me as he and I were very close. My sister, our stepmother of …

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The Moneyist: ‘My father has lived a life of crime and drugs. He threw away every opportunity we gave him.’ Now that he’s on disability, doesn’t he owe his kids something?

Dear Moneyist,  For most of his life, my father has lived a life of crime and drugs. He threw away every opportunity we gave him, financial or otherwise. He was never really around besides the odd note written on yellow legal paper that I would get from time to time, …

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The Moneyist: ‘My father left everything to my son. When I called the attorney about the will, my son got very upset.’ I now need financial help. Should I ask him for money?

Dear Moneyist, When my father passed away, he left his house and all his money to my son. I was not included in the will. I took care of my father seven days a week when he came back from the hospital. I never received any payment from him except …

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