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Tag Archives: Facebook

: Facebook befriends Australia again, after striking a deal with Canberra government on new law

The social-media company Facebook said on Tuesday that it would restore Australian news on its platform, after striking a deal with the Canberra government on a new law that will force big technology companies to pay for news. Facebook last week had blocked Australian users from sharing and using news …

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Earnings Watch: Apple, Tesla and Facebook ready to report record sales in busiest week of earnings

U.S. companies have barely managed to eke out positive earnings growth so far in this quarterly results season, but the big test arrives in the week ahead. Nearly a quarter of the S&P 500 SPX, -0.30% is set to report results, with those companies representing 39% of the index by …

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Peter Morici: The antitrust case against Facebook is bad economic policy

The Federal Trade Commission and 47 states are suing Facebook for allegedly squelching competition by acquiring startups, and seeking divestiture of Instagram and WhatsApp. The suits are without merit and bad economic policy. Facebook FB, -2.83% offers users a tool to create online bulletin boards where individuals, affinity groups and businesses can communicate personal news, collaborate, market products and …

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: Twitter and Facebook temporarily lock Trump’s accounts following Capitol siege

Social media companies condemned a video posted by President Donald Trump during a withering assault on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, prompting Twitter to lock his account for 12 hours and threaten to permanently ban it, while Facebook imposed a 24-hour block. Facebook and Alphabet excoriated the president but stopped short …

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The Wall Street Journal: Facebook prepared to limit posts in case of post-election strife

Facebook is tightening its rules on content concerning the U.S. presidential election next month. AFP/Getty Images Facebook Inc. teams have planned for the possibility of trying to calm election-related conflict in the U.S. by deploying internal tools designed for what it calls “at-risk” countries, according to people familiar with the matter. The …

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Facing immense pressure, Facebook had no choice but to ban new political ads week before election

Facebook Inc.’s first action to limit political advertising in the U.S. with a ban of news ads in the week preceding the Nov. 3 elections announced Thursday comes amid unrelenting criticism that its platform fuels misinformation and is a haven for far-right groups. Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, who in particular …

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Two stock market risks are hiding in Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Alphabet

Stock market bulls are giddy. What is there not to be happy about — the stock market mostly rises, and making money seems easy. While newly minted investors are focusing on running up small, speculative stocks, institutions are hiding in big-cap tech stocks. For prudent investors, the time to understand …

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The Moneyist: I told my family I boycott Chick-fil-A over its support of anti-LGBTQ causes — now they ‘like’ it on Facebook and go there for lunch

Dear Moneyist, I’m a gay man from a family of 10 siblings, and the only gay member of my extended family of cousins, to my knowledge. I have been dismayed for several years now that some members of my immediate family support Chick-fil-A, the fast-food corporation controversial for its positions …

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Here are the major brands that have pulled ads from Facebook

Since an advertising boycott of Facebook Inc. was organized in mid-June, a veritable Who’s Who of major brands have either added their names to the #StopHateForProfit campaign or otherwise pulled their ads. Facebook makes almost all of its revenue via advertising. Still, analysts are expecting the company to take a …

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