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Tag Archives: everybody

Defiant Fauci tells InStyle magazine: ‘I think everybody thinks I’m doing more than an outstanding job’

Anthony Fauci is on a mission to get more Americans to take COVID-19 seriously. In an interview with InStyle magazine, in which he posed wearing sunglasses and stars-and-stripes socks, Fauci said this of his original advice to not wear face masks: “I don’t regret anything I said then because in …

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Key Words: As coronavirus ravages his native New York, media mogul David Geffen observes a sunset from his $400 million superyacht: ‘I’m hoping everybody is staying safe’

If ever there were doubts about how the superaffluent are faring amid a pandemic for the ages, media mogul David Geffen wants to make it abundantly clear that, for his part, he’s doing just fine — and he wishes us all the best. Geffen, whose net worth is estimated at …

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