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Tag Archives: economy

Economic Preview: This week we’ll learn the size of the hole the U.S. economy fell into when COVID-19 struck

There are good economic reports, there are bad ones, and in some rate cases there are ugly ones. This week, we get ugly. We will find out how deep a hole the U.S. economy fell into in the second quarter this year when non-essential businesses closed down in many parts …

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Silicon Valley economy remains strong 100 days into coronavirus, compared to other industries

What crippled economy? While virtually every aspect of the U.S. economy has been hit hard during the coronavirus pandemic, the technology industry and its hub in Santa Clara County continue to fare better than other large regions across California and the nation, based on three studies published this week. While …

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The Tell: Award-winning forecaster says U.S. economy might not heal by next year, putting stocks at risk of correction

The U.S. economy might not fully return to normal until 2022, and the stock market is at risk of a correction later in the summer, a leading economic forecaster said Friday. Christophe Barraud, chief economist and strategist at Market Securities in Paris, said the best case for the U.S. economy …

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Outside the Box: ‘Wildly out of context’ — Navarro on his own words, and the markets in relation to the economy

We got a taste of things to come when White House China hawk Peter Navarro stated to the press that the U.S.-China trade deal was “over.” Cue a plunge in stocks ES00, +0.14% and in CNY USDCNY, +0.04% and in bond yields and general risk-off. Then cue the inevitable rapid …

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Outside the Box: These homeowners are seeking mortgage forbearance and their reasons why say a lot about the economy

As the COVID-19 crisis has metastasized into an economic recession, millions of Americans are struggling to keep up with their mortgage payments. I fundamentally believe that losing one’s job shouldn’t mean also losing one’s home. This is a core lesson that I learned from the 2008 financial crisis, when I was …

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The Fed: U.S. economy is near bottom, poised for rebound, Fed’s Williams says

The U.S. economy is starting to show some initial signs of increased activity as businesses reopen as the coronavirus pandemic recedes, said New York Federal Reserve President John Williams on Wednesday. “I think we’re kind of in a good place…maybe near the bottom in terms of the economic downturn and, …

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Capitol Report: This 2020 presidential forecast says Trump faces historic defeat due to terrible economy

President Donald Trump could suffer a historic defeat in the fall if the economy doesn’t sharply recover from the coronavirus pandemic and the disease lingers, according to a model that has predicted the winner of the popular vote in 16 of the past 18 elections. Oxford Economics predicts Trump would …

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Key Words: White House adviser who said it’s ‘scary to go to work’ doesn’t seem afraid of what’s next for the economy

“ ‘I think definitely you’re looking at a very strong third quarter, a very strong fourth quarter and probably a great next year. So I guess I disagree that it’s going to take all the way through the end of 2021.’ ” That’s White House senior adviser Kevin Hassett taking …

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No, China’s economy hasn’t gotten better. The implications could be more serious than investors realize

Just how bad is the economic situation in China? In late February, MarketWatch interviewed Leland Miller, CEO of the China Beige Book, who warned that economic deterioration caused by the novel coronavirus was, as we put it, “worse than you think.” On Monday, Miller’s firm released a fresh report that …

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