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Tag Archives: Economists

: U.S. labor market displays ‘faint heartbeat’ — economists react to January jobs report

The U.S. added 49,000 jobs in January and downward revisions to the prior two months subtracted an additional 159,000 from payrolls. Economists polled by The Wall Street Journal had expected a 55,000 gain. See: U.S. just gains 49,000 in January with labor market still under acute stress Below are some …

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: Stimulus checks are on their way — economists give one important reason why it was good to wait

As the Internal Revenue Service starts cutting a second round of direct relief checks, the waiting may be the hardest part for people who just want their cash — or badly need it to cover basic living costs. The waiting is also a critical part, according to new research from …

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: Economists growing less optimistic about outlook for U.S. economy

A man walks by a pizza restaurant while wearing a face mask in Jersey City, New Jersey The road ahead for the U.S. economy looks rockier now than it did in June, according to a survey of economists released Monday. While growth is expected to continue, a panel of 52 …

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Economic Preview: Economists predict U.S. added 1.7 million jobs in July, but admit it’s largely a guess. Here’s what worries them

The U.S. economy probably suffered a steep decline in hiring and job creation in July, but rarely has Wall Street been so flummoxed about the state of the labor market. The resurgence of the coronavirus epidemic in many American states and a potentially big shift in school employment could throw …

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Post-lockdown policies will be a minefield for governments — three economists offer a road map

Even when coronavirus-stricken countries have shed the last restrictions of their respective, months-long lockdowns, their economies won’t be returning to normal. It will be years for them to absorb the shock, and after the massive state takeover necessitated by the crisis, governments will struggle with two questions. The first is …

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The only way to truly solve the race problem in America is to narrow the wealth gap, black economists say

The unrest in cities across the U.S. this week is just the latest manifestation of a struggle that will continue until the wealth gap between white people and black people is addressed, black economists said. What is the wealth gap? It is the stark divide between how much capital white …

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How do you choose between economic ‘deaths of despair’ and coronavirus victims? Economists, lawmakers grapple with a moral conundrum

How do you strike a balance between the country’s economic life and actual human life? Is putting America back to work sooner rather than later a Sisyphean task, the equivalent of rolling a rock perpetually uphill while up to 2 million people die of COVID-19? Or does the Sisyphean task …

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