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Tag Archives: divorce.

The Moneyist: ‘My husband has burned through all of our finances. If we divorce, I don’t want him to get one penny.’ How can I protect myself?

Dear Quentin, I live in New Jersey, which is a community property state. My husband and I have had a very rocky relationship and are contemplating divorce for the second time. My parents are both elderly but are in good health, thankfully. It has been suggested that when they die, …

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The Moneyist: My ex-husband put his new wife on his life-insurance policy before he died, going against our divorce decree. Now she’s battling me in court

Dear Moneyist, I divorced my ex-husband in 2017. It was a difficult divorce, and later he quit paying child support and we were in a long court battle, which now continues after his death. The 2017 divorce decree stated my ex was to maintain the current life-insurance policy we had …

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A Good Houston Divorce Attorney Assistance and Support

Experienced lawyers will consider a wide range of factors when making these decisions on behalf of the witnesses and have great influencing feature plans for your divorce case. Search the best and genius lawyers in Houston are and share your case to get divorce to following legal parameters. A good …

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The Moneyist: My husband of 20 years is having an affair. He told friends he wants a divorce and does NOT want to pay alimony. What should I do?

Dear Moneyist, I recently discovered evidence that my husband of 20 years is having an affair, and he has made claims to others that he wants out of our marriage. He has not asked me to end the marriage yet, and I have not confronted him with this information. Some …

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The Moneyist: My fiancée’s divorce decree says she’s not liable for her former husband’s $100K tax bill. That should protect her, right?

Dear Moneyist, I went through a divorce about five years ago and my youngest child will graduate college this spring. I have just gotten my finances stable again and I am back saving money. I have about eight to 10 years left to work, and should have enough saved for …

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The Moneyist: I’m 71 and I’ve been married for 27 years. She wants me to pay for everything and bend to her will. Am I too old to bite the bullet — and ask my wife for a divorce?

Dear Moneyist,  I am 71 and have been married for 27 years. My wife is 65. We hooked up one night and later on in the dating cycle when sex was imminent I asked if we needed to use birth control. She said it wasn’t needed as she was infertile …

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The Moneyist: My mom asked for a divorce. My dad made his mother his pension beneficiary — then killed himself. Now my mom and grandma are feuding. Who deserves the pension?

Dear Moneyist, On May 30, 2018 my mother moved out all her belongings and informed my father that she was leaving him after 30 years of marriage, and that she would be seeking a divorce.  No papers had been filed at that point. The next day my father went to …

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