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Tag Archives: claim

The Moneyist: My husband and his ex-wife agreed that he could claim their kids on his taxes, but now she’s ‘demanding’ half their stimulus

Dear Quentin, My husband received a text from his ex-wife demanding part of the latest stimulus check for their two children. My husband received their stimulus checks for their boys because in their divorce settlement he was granted the ability to claim both boys as dependents on his taxes for …

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The Moneyist: My daughter was a TV star and saved $1 million. If she buys a home and moves in with her boyfriend, will he have a claim?

Dear Quentin, My daughter was a TV starlet in her youth, and thanks to the magic of compound investing, has a large amount of cash on hand (approximately $ 1 million). She wants to take some of this money and make the down payment on a co-op or a condominium. …

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Key Words: Trump acknowledges Biden presidential election win for first time—but ‘concedes nothing,’ repeats unfounded claim of ‘rigged’ vote

Donald Trump on Sunday tweeted his first tacit acknowledgment of former Vice President Joe Biden’s election victory, but continued to claim the democratic election was “rigged” and fraudulent without providing any evidence and after other agencies have deemed the voting process one of the most secure in U.S. history. On …

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The Moneyist: My late husband did not see his son in 30 years. Should I mail his son photos and other memorabilia — and risk him making a claim on his estate?

Dear Moneyist, My late husband had not seen his son in over 30 years. He and his son’s mother decided on her receiving a larger share of assets in lieu of child support. He did see his son a few times a year for the next several years, but contact …

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The Moneyist: My father died from COVID-19, and left no will. My stepmother threatened to sell our family heirlooms — unless we sign over our claim to his estate. What can we do?

Dear Moneyist, My dad passed away from COVID-19 in April 2020. He was a first responder at a walk-in clinic, and was in great health with no underlying health conditions. His death is still a shock to me as he and I were very close. My sister, our stepmother of …

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