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Tag Archives: cities

The Tell: Pace of home-price growth is ‘unsustainable’ in many global cities, warns UBS

The view from a Brooklyn neighborhood on Tuesday. The UBS report gave a mixed picture for New York City real estate. Getty Images The coronavirus pandemic may have triggered the worst global downturn in more than 60 years, but home prices in the world’s biggest cities still have shot higher …

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: One of the world’s ‘most livable’ cities just went into full lockdown mode as coronavirus cases spike

Melbourne, which had been named the “world’s most livable city” for seven straight years before being beaten out by Vienna in 2018, won’t be feeling quite so livable for the next six weeks. Australia’s second-biggest city faces strict lockdown measures as the state of Victoria saw another record spike in …

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Market Snapshot: Stock-market futures knocked around as U.S. cities rocked by protests amid pandemic

U.S. stock-index futures bounced around in thin trading early Monday morning, amid violent protests that reverberated throughout the country. The clashes between police and protesters come while the U.S., and much of the world, is in the throes of the coronavirus pandemic that has rocked the domestic economy to its …

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