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Tag Archives: Bill

Key Words: Bill Gates shares his optimistic take on the coronavirus on Fox News

“ ‘If we do the social distancing properly we should be able to get out of this with the death numbers well short of that.’ ” That’s Microsoft MSFT, -0.92% co-founder Bill Gates referring to the projections that the U.S. could ultimately see between 100,000 and 240,000 deaths amid the …

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Stock market gets a jolt from stimulus bill

In its best three-day stretch since 1931, Wall Street roared back to life this week despite some incredibly abysmal unemployment numbers.  The big news that helped rally markets was the Senate passing a $ 2 trillion stimulus bill. The bill includes a payout to American families, a $ 500 billion …

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Capitol Report: Pelosi predicts House will pass $2 trillion coronavirus bill with ‘strong bipartisan vote’

Mark Wilson/Getty Images House Speaker Nancy Pelosi U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday predicted speedy passage for a $ 2 trillion economic package aimed at cushioning the effects of the coronavirus on Americans, as she planned a vote for Friday. “I feel certain that we will have a strong …

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Will you get a $1,200 check from the $2 trillion stimulus bill? That depends on how much money you make

Millions of Americans are slated to receive $ 1,200 checks as part of a $ 2 trillion stimulus deal — but there’s a cutoff determining who’s eligible for the money. People making over $ 99,000 and married couples making above $ 198,000 will not be receiving the payments, according to …

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Capitol Report: Lawmakers and White House agree to $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill after marathon negotiations

Senior lawmakers and members of the Trump administration early Wednesday came to an agreement on a massive stimulus measure to try to keep Americans whole as the economy shuts down due to the coronavirus. “Ladies and gentlemen, we are done. We have a deal,” White House aide Eric Ueland announced …

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Key Words: Bill Gates on Trump call for quick end to lockdown: It’s tough to tell people ‘keep going to restaurants, go buy new houses, ignore that pile of bodies over in the corner’

‘There really is no middle ground, and it’s very tough to say to people, “Hey, keep going to restaurants, go buy new houses, [and] ignore that pile of bodies over in the corner. We want you to keep spending because there’s maybe a politician who thinks GDP growth is all …

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SOLVED: Why Is My Water Bill So High?

shower head in bathroom with water drops flowing Have you opened your water bill in shock as you noticed an unusually high amount that’s due? Most households use around the same amount of water each month, so a significant increase in your statement could be a surprise for more than …

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