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Tag Archives: ‘all

In One Chart: Tesla may be ‘the most remarkable market story of them all,’ says strategist

So much has been made of Tesla’s breathless rise to mind-boggling valuations in 2020. But the stratospheric rise of the Palo Alto, Calif.-based company also might have a broader impact on the overall markets, not just Tesla or the nascent electrical vehicle market, notes one Deutsche Bank strategist. The share …

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The Moneyist: ‘All they care about is making money.’ Can my supermarket manager force me to remove my face mask at work?

Dear Moneyist, I am in my 60s and I work for a well-known supermarket chain in North Carolina. My job requires me to be in the aisles at all time, answering customers’ questions and stocking shelves. I decided to wear a face mask because I am unable to remain six …

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The Moneyist: My husband and I set up a nonprofit for his parents. We charged them $10K. When his siblings found out ‘all hell broke loose’ — now they want $10K for simply doing chores

Dear Moneyist, I am a former creative director for a global ad agency and now a freelance writer who bills at $ 125 an hour. My husband owns a graphic design firm that bills at $ 175 per hour. Last year, my in-laws, who have always been deeply involved in …

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