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Tag Archives: ago.

The Moneyist: My wife had a baby 3 months ago. She has $160,000 in student loans — and just asked for my ‘blessing’ to work part time

Dear Moneyist, My wife and I had our first baby 3 months ago. As the breadwinner, my wife just returned to work after 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave. Our savings are a bit low and she is now “asking for my blessing” to work part-time. This is distressing to …

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The Moneyist: I received a financial gift from my mother. I returned it to her 5 years ago. Now that we’re divorcing, my husband says half of that money belonged to him

Dear Moneyist, I received a gift from my mother several years ago. She transferred a substantial amount of money into a bank account under my name only. My husband persuaded me to add his name to the account several months later. The money was not touched for several years. No …

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