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Tag Archives: abusive

The Moneyist: ‘I am held hostage in my own home’: My husband’s son lives with us. He is physically abusive and menacing

Dear Moneyist, I am married, but my home is in my name only. When I bought it in 2010, I was the only one eligible to apply for a mortgage because my husband was working a temporary job, having been laid off in the recession. My previous home, which I …

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The Moneyist: ‘I feel like she has joined some abusive cult’: My wife makes $25,000 and only gets 1.5% annual pay raises. What can I do?

Dear Moneyist, My wife and I have been married for 18 years and met at work in 2000. She is college educated and has worked her entire life with the exception of a few years off when our kids were very young. For the past 13 years of our marriage …

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The Moneyist: My elderly father was physically abusive, and will leave his farm to my two sisters. Should I contest his will?

Dear Moneyist, I have 2 daughters. Growing up in an agricultural family during the farm crisis was tough. My dad was extremely abusive both physically and mentally. At 12 years old, he would pinch my ears with pliers. He told me once that he loved me, but he treated me …

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