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Summer Garden Projects

Since we are spending more time at home we’ve been working on our garden a lot this spring & summer! I really wanted our garden to be a focal point of our yard and give us some fun projects to work on this summer. We’ve shown you quite a bit of the garden so far but I wanted to share a few more of the projects we’ve been working on in our garden & around the farm as well!

There are two projects I wanted to show you guys today, our trellis and flower boxes. First I wanted to share some of the supplies you may need to help put these in your garden! You guys know I love the home decor at Walmart but did you also know that Walmart has a huge selection of outdoor and gardening items? They have so many different gardening items, tools, and supplies to help build your dream outdoor space. Simply click each item to shop or click here to shop all of Walmart’s garden items!


We added a few different trellises around the farm & I am so excited about these. The plan is to grow wisteria vines on the trellis and while I would love to show you how gorgeous that will be, we have to wait for it to grow first! I will be sure to keep you updated on how the trellis looks once all of the vines have grown. I love that the trellis will completely transform the space & give it the cozy cottage vibes I am going for! I linked this exact trellis here.

Flower Boxes

In front of the fence of the veggie garden we decided to add a few flower boxes! I thought this would be a really cute touch to have florals in front of the garden fence. I love the idea of having all of the veggies inside the fence & then florals outside of the fence. Florals just bring me so much joy to have planted in our yard, I knew I needed a touch of them in the garden! If you want to get these flower boxes for your garden I linked them here.

We also picked up these plant markers [here] which are perfect for labeling the different fruits, vegetables, and flowers in our garden. I love having a variety of plant markers to choose from & thought that these were super cute for our garden this year!

I hope you guys are loving all of these garden blog posts this year, after our break from gardening last year it has been so fun to get back into. If you want to check out more of my garden/outdoor posts I shared a garden Q&A, DIY window boxes, garden fence review, and DIY garden beds. Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and everyday!

xx liz marie

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