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Style Scouting: Vol. 30

Happy Valentine’s Day!

It is going to be cold and chilly… one for the Valentine’s Day record books cold.

Time to warm it up with a candlelit dinner for two. 🙂

I made this candle after cleaning out a box of candle stubs. I melted the candles, added a wick to a thrift store cut glass jar with a lid and let it cool. Once Valentine’s Day is over I will remove the red velvet ribbon and use the candle in my kitchen.

Do you have anything special planned today – a fun dinner or dessert?

This afternoon I will be on Zoom for a Valentine’s Tea party with my sisters, daughters and granddaughter. It should be fun and the best way to be with them even if it is not in person.

After the tea party, I will make a special dinner for Ed and I and then will probably spend the rest of the evening snuggled under my favorite fur throw and watching Longmire on Netflix, but that is about it.

On The Blog This Past Week:

Inspiring Things and Creative Ideas I Found Online This Week


I like this new trend called, “the iconic self.” It’s all about the highlighting of personal style when decorating.

Oh my goodness…. The ceilings in this home….

Home builder boring to WOW worthy furniture transformation.

 $ 113000.00 a month to rent? Is that price a typo?

I have been seeing a lot of door makeovers. This one shows how to go from boring to fab bifold doors.

Could you live in this house? How about this kind of house?

Creative way to easily create large wall art.


I like using paper doilies in my kitchen and finding new ways to get creative with them.

Sweet Valentine Treats

Looking for something to make for your Valentine’s Dinner? Making these will have everyone around your dinner table feel loved.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Hearts

Plant-based Chocolate cake is what I will be having for dessert.


For anyone who enjoys seeing birds in their yard.

For mykitchen plate rack wall.

What is your intention?

If you are trying to stay fit, this is good to know.

Valentine Paper Doily Candles

If you enjoy these posts – You can find past Style Scouting posts here.

One more thing: If you’re catching up on blog posts you may have missed, be sure to sign-up to get my newest posts via email to stay up to date with everything that’s happening here on the blog and more.

Wishing you a very heart-filled day. 🙂

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In My Own Style


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