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Style Scouting: Vol. 28

Hello…and happy weekend.

Thank you for stopping by for my weekly collection of ideas, tips and inspiration that I call Style Scouting. I enjoy sharing the creative ideas I find that spark my imagination and give me the fuel to live the best life I can.

snow blowing a driveway

January is almost over and it is cold outside, even here in the south. Brrrr… I saw on the weather map that the northeast will be getting snow. We won’t get any here… just freezing temps.

I say if it is going to be bitter cold, it may as well snow. I miss a good snowy day where you are snowbound for a day, Ed does not. All he thinks of is having to shovel and snowblow like he had to do when we lived in Pennsylvania.

I enjoyed the coziness a snow day brings to the house. How about you. Snow… Yay or Nay?

Over the past few weeks I have been posting fewer posts. Reason is I decided to do catch-up on the never ending behind the scenes stuff that needs to be done on the blog.

Technical and purging stuff you don’t see, but makes for a better reading experience. It all takes time and will never be done as the digital world changes too frequently, but I try my best to stay on top of things.

As I write this I am snuggled on a recliner looking at the fire. It is making for one very cozy evening. Just what a cold winter night should be all about.

Is it cold and wintery in your area? If so… this will warm you up, especially if you just came in from shoveling snow. 🙂

My Favorite Find This Week:

set of 3 round lidded baskets that vary in size.

You know I love lidded baskets. I have been wanting this trio for sometime. They are a little expensive, but worth it for me as I will use them forever. 🙂 They were finally discounted with free shipping. I used the code PINECONE to get the discount.

Inspiring Things and Creative Ideas I Found Online This Week

A reader sent this link my way. If you enjoy jigsaw puzzles, you may like this site.

I need to find a place for something like this.

Such a great resource for home decoratingDIY’ers.

Didn’t know I could use my slow cooker to cook more than stews.

21 Tiny Changes You Can Make in Your Home to Make Life Simpler in 2021

All ovens should come equipped with these!

Not a traditionally decorated cabin. This one has an appealing mix of modern and rustic.

One creative way to enjoy going out to dinner again.

If you love chocolate & peanut butter!!!

In case you missed it… my nightstand makeover.

Valentine's Day Gift and decorating Ideas to Make

Valentine’s Day is 2 weeks away. I don’t decorate the house, but I do like to make Valentine goodies and gifts to give to family and friends. I have made quite a few over the years.

If you are looking for a few ideas to give to the people you love, you can find my projects here: All Things Valentine.

If you enjoy these posts – You can find past Style Scouting posts here.

One more thing: If you’re catching up on blog posts you may have missed, be sure to sign-up to get my newest posts via email to stay up to date with everything that’s happening here on the blog and more.

Enjoy your Sunday. 🙂

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In My Own Style


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