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Style Scouting: Vol. 27

I never have seen this house before. Have you?

Not sure if I am a fan of this design trend. How about you?

Decorating in your own style should always be the goal…. even if it means removing something that many would find beautiful just as it is.

Have a staircase in your home? This is great post on many ways to hang art on the staircase wall.

I love the smell of lemons – so fresh and clean. I made a batch of this earlier today. Only 3 ingredients that worked better than a store bought household product, plus no chemicals!

How to make your bed so it looks like it is from a Pottery Barn catalog. Hint… size up!

How much fun would it be to win this!

Things to keep in mind as you are cleaning and organizing this month. The benefits of minimal living.

I am not big on decorating my house for Valentine’s Day, but this display idea made me want to!

Something sweet to make for your Valentine.

I need to do this!!!

I never knew such a product existed. Doesn’t look very safe, but it’s a very popular item.

Delicious options for a cold winter afternoon. This looks delish, too.

One of those really good tips you never knew about when reheating things like rice in the microwave.

Fun new vocabulary I learned this week:

Boomeritis: I have it in my right hip! Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Nicholas DiNubile coined the term “boomeritis” to describe the wear, tear, vulnerabilities, and injuries that baby boomers are experiencing as a result of lifelong commitments to staying active on their aging frames. In many cases, repeated stress on the knee can lead to osteoarthritis. Motion is lotion.

Manslipping: I have witnessed this many times when out and about and it is always older men doing it. Never women. Interesting phenomenon. 🙂

And lastly…

REMEMBER TO JOIN THE FREE DECORATING FACEBOOK GROUP called The Decorating Panel! So much great interaction, advice, inspiration, and fun ideas for your home. Join the group HERE.

See you on Monday – If you love “before & afters” done on a super small budget, as well as easy, no paint or power tools needed – then you are going to like this post.

Enjoy your weekend!

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In My Own Style


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