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Style Scouting: Vol. 25

How is your December going? Are you getting in the Christmas spirit and finding time to enjoy it even though the season is a little different this year?

On the blog this week, I shared how I made a tree topper for my Christmas tree and how I made my kitchen feel and look very cozy by adding a lamp to the counter.

Since posting about the lamp, I did find the perfect one thanks to a reader. Heidi told me about a shop she loves that has an online shop as well. It is called The Nested Fig.

I not only found the small lamp for my counter, but two other items that I am going to use with it. I will share them with you soon.

Now onto a few inspiring links I came across this week.

Vintage Christmas Card of shoppers

I am enjoying less holiday season stress overall as there is less to do this year, but oh how I miss Christmas shopping like I used to do. The cute and colorful illustration on this vintage Christmas card shows the happy hustle-bustle of the holiday shopping season that is something I miss.

I have been shopping online which is great, but it just isn’t the same as an afternoon spent merrily out & about Christmas shopping.

One of my favorite Christmas songs is Silver Bells. I love the line…. city sidewalks, busy sidewalks dressed in holiday stylethis is as close as I will be able to get this year. Thanks Google. What have you been missing this holiday season – anything?

  • So exciting to see that a fellow blogger was invited to style a room for a holiday photoshoot at the Southern Living Idea House.
  • Your kids or grandchildren will think you rock when you show them how to draw this.
  • The best resource for all things “dried oranges” that are very hip and trendy to use in holiday decorating this year.
  • Not quite a cookie, but a Christmas treat that is easy to make and looks so delicious.

That’s all for this week.

The Christmas countdown is on…less than two weeks away. Up on the blog this week I will be sharing a few last minute ideas to help you finish your seasonal tasks from decorating to wrapping this week.

If you have any specific questions on how I do anything related to Christmas, just let me know in a comment.

Like this question I received from a reader, Laura. She wanted to know how I attached bows to a Christmas tree.

How to Attach Bows to a Christmas Tree:

I use florist wire to hang bows. If I make the bow, in the process of making it, I use wire to hold the loops together. I make sure this wire is longer than needed for the bow. Once the bow is done, I use the excess wire and wrap and twist the ends of wire around a tree branch.

If I am using a bought bow, I thread a piece of wire under the knot on the back of the bow so you don’t see it. I pull it so there is an even amount of wire sticking out each side once the wire is threaded through the back of the knot. Then I take the two wire ends and twist them tightly around a tree branch.

Christmas Projects & Ideas

To see and read everything related to Christmas on the blog, head over to my Christmas Central page where I have all the posts grouped into categories to make them easier to find:

Thanks for reading – enjoy your day and week ahead.

xo – Diane

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In My Own Style


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