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Style Scouting: Vol. 18

Wait… stop… hold the phone! How can it already be that this coming week is when we turn the calendar to October?

I feel like we just entered September. I love the month of October – cooler weather, watching the leaves change colors, nature walks with a hoodie on, cozy evenings at home.

I hope time slows down a bit so I can enjoy every minute and all of my favorite October pastimes. That list very definitely includes a trip to the pumpkin patch or apple orchard.

This past week on the blog I shared how I decorated my living room and entryway. If you missed these posts, you can find them here:

Now for the interesting and inspirational links I found online this week.

More crafty pumpkins.

This DIY candle holder idea is perfect for the comfy-cozy season.

I would love to be a guest in this house…. especially now that is autumn.

What an amazing mind to be able to create this, or even think it could be done.

I know this is true for me. I could not live without them. How about you?

A a very simple DIY cake or candle stand for fall.

It had a delayed opening, but the Showhouse must go on.

Mark October 16 on your calendar. Studio McGee has a Netfix series!!! It is called Dream Home Makeover. We get to see Shea and her family and team in action.

Speaking of Netflix. Have you watched The Social Dilemma? Everyone who goes online and has a phone needs to watch this! Eye-opening!!! If you don’t know what it is about, here is a synopsis of the documentary.

These would be cute to make for Halloween for any cat lover. I might not want to eat them as they are so cute.

Sign me up…. staying here would be an adventure.

Ways to make a small house more functional and spacious.

That’s all for this week.

Next week I will be sharing how I made the plaster vase and pumpkin and more.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Smile face

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In My Own Style


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