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Style Scouting: Vol. 16

Wait!!! How can it be. It is really the end of August. I can’t even believe the summer passed by so fast, but chalk it up to the year 2020.

Even though I love the summer, I love the month of September more. Time for renewal. Time to get back to a schedule. September first to me is better than New Years Day for fresh starts.

Are you familiar with the Anne of Green Gables quote – “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” Well that is how I feel about September…..

I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Septembers.

Next week will be like beginning a new school year for me, except I don’t have the stress of having to decide on whether to send kids back to school or not.

I get to work at home, pandemic or not. Being a home loving person, I do feel fortunate and count my blessings.

Now onto a few posts, articles and finds I found inspiring this week.

I hope you find something in the links below that will get you thinking, put a smile on your face or an idea that you can do.

I can attest to this… What if you allowed your kitchen to really line up with your cooking style, your preferred cadence, and your everyday routines? Like when I created this prep zone and recently tweaked it to work better for me.

How to maintain your beautifully organized spaces.

Even knowing this, I still love the show.

I am going to try to make one of these. A really big one for my coffee table.

Need a chocolate fix? These will surely help.

Love this simple Fall DIY.

You know I love candles, but have never done this with them. Gotta try it.

Love this fireplace makeover. Seeing it makes me want to redo my fireplace.

beautiful home from Atlanta Home Magazine

A home interior…. love those doors!

Loving these mugs, not for travel, but just to help keep my tea warm as I slowly drink it all day long. They also come in black.

A decorative reason to gather all the acorns in your yard or when out hiking.

Good to know if you have an herb garden.

Maybe a little farfetched, but if it helps make the job easier, I am all for doing this.

Nature… it is home.


If you are in the mood for fall decorating inspiration, I have years of fall decorating ideas and projects. You can check them out here: Fall Decorating Ideas

One More For Fun….

When you have 3 minutes to spare, this will have you wondering.… how long did it take them to set that up?

Enjoy the rest of the weekend! XO

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In My Own Style


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