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Style Scouting: Vol. 11

How to grow flowers so they bloom all summer

I hope this post finds you happy, healthy and safe. Life feels a bit surreal and a little scary right now and I am trying to find ways to get my mind off the news and go about my day in a positive and uplifting way.

In my weekend posts, I share the random stuff that captured my attention or inspired me during the past week.

This week I found a few tips to help in the kitchen, items that make me smile, others made me think deeply and one is providing a colorful pastime.

  • I know many of you have been spending a lot of time in the kitchen, cooking, and baking. I have been making a lot of soups and stews that have made a mess of the inside of my Dutch Oven. I learned this helpful trick that is making my Dutch oven sparkle.
  • If you like decorating and color, I think you will like these to keep your mind off the news this week.
  • I know we have been told that we should be productive while we are spending time at home, but I need to take this advice.
  • A Love Letter to…Stuff – Inspiring post for getting rid of clutter.
  • Watching a lot of Netflix and movies while staying at home? This clever furniture makeover will make wall mounted TV connected components look better.

Hoping you can find the silver linings in the days ahead and enjoy the slower moments life has given us.

Thinking of all of you. Sending virtual XO’s your way.

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In My Own Style


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