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Style Scouting… Let’s Chat

Today is the last day in January…. winter has settled in and will continue to spend time with us for another one and a half months.

Fire in fireplace

Instead of being depressed about this, the homebody in me is loving the cold, grey days that allow me to snuggle in my coziest clothes and my favorite warm and cozy socks without the need to be sick to do it.

There is nothing more relaxing for me than to get to enjoy small comforts — an extra cup of hot tea while watching an old movie, baking a loaf of fresh bread to pair with a bowl of soup for lunch or dinner and lighting candles as the sun sets across the lake. Bliss…

Even with the slowdown, I have started a big project in my living room. With Ed’s help, we may have it completed over the weekend. It is big departure for me in the way of style, but I know I am going to love it for so many reasons. If we get it completed, I will post about it next week.

Tomorrow I will be posting Part 2 of the Viking River Cruise… so stay tuned.

Style Scouting…

Over the past week here are a few interesting items that I found:

Something doughy, delicious and a little different to make for a Super Bowl Party this Sunday.

Love this $ 200 Fireplace makeover.

What happens to all those unused gift cards.

My January binge watch. I hope it gets renewed for another season.

I am on board with this lifestyle trend.

Do you know what a mullet house is? Not the haircut? 🙂 Thank you Katie B. for directing me to this article knowing that I lived in one. No more calling my house a Jekyll and Hyde.

It’s Not Too Late...

On the blog…

In my post about the HGTV Dream Home I had a pink shirt on in one of the photos. Many of you asked where it was from. Here is the link: Pink Shirt with Ruffled Collar. I liked it so much, I even bought it in black with a 25% off code: SHOPNOW

February 14th is two weeks away. I gathered all my Valentine’s posts to make it easy to find 10 Valentines to Make, Bake and Give To Everyone You Love

One More Thing…

One of my friends told me that my blog was coming up wonky on her computer, not her phone, but when she viewed my site on her laptop.

There have been so many major changes on the backend of blogs that run on the platform WordPress and this year is there are going to be even more big changes. It is hard to keep up with the technical aspects of it all. Glitches are bound to happen as we have to update plugins, themes and more that may not work the way they used to after the changes.

My developer and I try to keep things running smoothly with the changes, but if you ever see something not working or that looks odd, please don’t hesitate to contact me so I can make sure to get it fixed. Thanks XO

How About You?

Do you have any winter weekend plans? Are you hosting or attending a Super Bowl get-together? What are you making… do you have a crowd pleasing recipe for which you are known?

Here’s to enjoying a relaxing winter weekend, enjoying your favorite pursuits and perhaps that football game on Sunday night. Go red team!

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In My Own Style


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