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Style Scouting: Labor Day Weekend

It is not officially the end of summer yet, but Labor Day weekend is the pivoting weekend that always starts with a summer vibe and ends with getting back to a more structured schedule – whatever that means for you.

White dishes and Roman numeral clock in cabinet

Here in SC, it is still hot and will be until October when I will finally be able to turn the A/C off in the house and open all the doors and windows allowing the lake breeze into the house. Bliss… it is a day of celebration and when fall for me really kicks in.

The back side of this weekend will have me returning to getting projects done around the house. I have a list that I am excited to dive into and can’t wait to get each one completed and share them with you.

So to end the summer, here is some inspiration for the fall season ahead and other creative and interesting things I found online this week:

Photo – House of Jade

That’s a wrap for the summer season of 2020 for me. I am looking forward to a happy cozy fall season ahead. XO

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In My Own Style


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