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Stubborn Strain on a Garage Floor

Listener Questions

Matt and Tara Armbruster's messy garage, before the makeover
Untreated garage floors are known for stubborn stains.

Patsy recently moved into a new home. Evidently one of the workers parked his car in the garage and his rusty radiator leaked onto the floor and stained it.

The builder tried to clean it with Iron Out and pressure washing but so far it hasn’t budged.

In fact, rust (iron oxide) is often the key ingredient used by professionals to stain a concrete floor, and concrete stains aren’t meant to be removed.

We told Patsy to start with a few items out of her kitchen.  Look for a stiff bristle brush and some white vinegar.

Another natural option you might try is to cut a lemon in half and rub in on the rust stain. Allow the lemon juice to remain on the concrete for a time before hosing it off.

If this doesn’t work she could shop for an industrial-strength rust removal product.  Patsy should check out the website theruststore.com, and look for a product called Singerman Laboratories Concrete Rust Remover.

If you spill something like oil on your garage floor try this: soak up oil spills by pouring kitty litter on the oil and then use a brick to grind the kitty litter up to make it more absorbent. Leave the kitty litter on the oil for 20 minutes or longer before sweeping it up.

Listen to the embedded audio clip above for the full answer!

Read the blog from the March. 7 show and listen to the full broadcast here.

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