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Starting your Morning in a Cozy Space

A brief interruption into your regularly scheduled blog post. I wanted to take a quick moment to step away from a fully focused Christmas inspiration you have been seeing here on the blog. This is definitely a see something, say something type of moment for me, that I am confident someone needs to read today. We are all creatures of habits, and it becomes really easy to follow the path of least resistance. With all of our worlds being very different right now from working from home, to those Allstar parents that are taking on a career, while also wearing the teacher hat for their kids, oh yeah– and throw the stress of Christmas in there too. Please read the following carefully… “breath.”

As busy as your day is, that you have nearly every minute scheduled, please follow me in ensuring you build a routine into your schedule, geared towards solely you. I found myself in a productivity tailspin, treading water, running in place, all the cliche sayings of just being in a funk. I needed to change something or this lack of productivity would start to creep into my emotional space. Instead of jumping right into the grind of the day from the moment my feet hit the ground and the coffee hits my lips, I stop and take time to sit and read a devotional over my coffee, in my favorite room in the house.

And you know me… What would be a cozy space for my mind without a cute little vignette setup on the table. We had some left-over oranges from our orange garland, and I love the look of them in a bowl on the counter or in the case our little breakfast nook. Next to the oranges, we have some real whole cinnamon sticks, that adds the subtle cinnamon sent to the table. I sit and read facing the window to appreciate our farm and everything around. Even if it’s just five minute with me and a cup of coffee, this moment of peace sets my entire day off right. It can be reading my Bible, studying a devotional, meditating, or even just planning out my day in silence. It doesn’t have to be a fully planned and scheduled moment, but that intentional moment of peace is everything.

I love vignettes like these in the house. Ones that tell a story and remind me of nostalgic times of Christmas activities. It beckons me to come sit and enjoy. I hope seeing this inspired you today to take a seat, take a breath, & slow down this season. I would recommend you find your favorite place in your home. That can be the space with the best view, the space you spend the most time in, or even an escape away from the high traffic areas in your home. Make that space cozy for your mind, and get to that space as often as you can. I know this isn’t my normal post, but hopefully it was the one you were meant to read today. Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and every other day.


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