Home / Decoration / Starting the Day With Wins in Georgia, Ending the Day with an Attempted Coup

Starting the Day With Wins in Georgia, Ending the Day with an Attempted Coup

Well. Wednesday. I woke to happy news about the election in Georgia. I felt such hope! Here are the tweets I shared on Instagram in celebration:

By the end of the day, hope had been replaced with anger as I watched the attempted coup at the Capitol. Here are the tweets I shared on Instagram in anger and frustration:

I woke up this morning to another wave of anger. I learned the domestic terrorism caused both destruction and death. One report says one woman was killed. Another report says there were 4 deaths. I’m still trying to find a good source to confirm. I also learned more about the Mormons (I’m also LDS too) who took part and supported the insurrection — it added another layer of fury. I shared more tweets to vent:

I don’t have much commentary today. I’m recalling the recent essay I wrote, wondering Conservatives, What Do You Want? It is clear they don’t have an answer. I’m also thinking about Forgiveness & Reconciliation and what we should expect of each other.

What about you? Where are your thoughts today? Have you talked with your kids about what happened? How are your anger levels?

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