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Spring Mantel

I’ve been craving all of the cozy spring vibes this week as we have been stuck inside, so I’ve been adding lots of spring touches to our home as I can. When I think of spring I always think about ways to bring greenery and brightness into each room in our home. One spot I hadn’t touched yet was our mantel … I love styling our mantel but I wasn’t sure what to do until I felt super inspired by a few items I had found recently…

As soon as I saw this scroll from Cottonwood Shanty recently I knew it would look perfect above our mantel. Right now I am really inspired by large pieces of art & find myself picking one large piece instead of many smaller pieces. You can see a large art DIY I did earlier this week [HERE]. The quote on the scroll is a perfect little reminder for the spring months & I love looking at it while we relax as a family in our living room.

Our house has so much greenery in it right now, it’s basically a greenhouse! I couldn’t style a spring mantel without a few plants. I added in two real topiaries which are one of my favorite house plants to decorate with. Our topiaries are real but in my book, Cozy White Cottage, tip number 48 shares how to create your own faux topiaries! I blogged how you can get real topiaries shipped to you [HERE] in this post, but if you are looking for some faux topiaries like this you can find some [HERE].

To display plants in another way you can display them under a cloche! Originally, cloches were created for the garden to protect less established plants from colder weather during the night. Today they are still used for that purpose but we also use cloches in our decor for the pretty look, unexpected texture, and statement in a vignette. Some people feel that glass isn’t a cozy texture but I think when you pair it with the right items it adds to the cozy factor. In particular, I love using glass during the spring months because adds brightness and lightness into any space! To learn more about how I style cloches head to tips number 20 & 21 in my book Cozy White Cottage.

To finish off this spring mantel I added in a garden rabbit that I found at a greenhouse recently. I found one [HERE] for you guys that is similar. The rabbit was the cherry on top and truly the happiest part of our spring mantel. The spring mantel gives true cottage greenhouse vibes & I hope that it made your day a little brighter by seeing it! Thank you guys so much for stopping by the blog and for pinning & sharing the post with others! xx

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