Home / Interior Design / Spooky Halloween Corner

Spooky Halloween Corner

It’s officially Halloween season here at White Cottage Farm! I am so excited to show you guys some of my Halloween looks for this year, I’ve been feeling super inspired to create a few spooky Halloween Corners around our house to share with you guys. I created [this] neutral halloween decor yesterday, but today I wanted to have even more fun! I love Halloween because it means no rules, you can add as much or as little as you want … For this spooky Halloween corner, I decided to go all out with the decor!

We have this piano in our back living room and I thought it would be the perfect spot to create a spooky Halloween look! You know me so my version of spooky is more dark and moody than it is scary. But I loved playing around with this spot and styling the piano for Halloween. My main focus here was creating a bunch of layers and using a variety of elements to style the piano! Let’s jump into each layer quick …

  • Layer 1: Spooky Black Fabric [here] – I love this black fabric for my Halloween looks it adds a great texture and contrast. You can stretch this to make it pretty big, kind of like a black spider web! I decided to hang it on the wall and layer the excess on the top of the piano. Here is the link if you are interested in getting some for your Halloween looks.
  • Layer 2: Big Prints or Art – After that, I added in my large layers which were the Halloween sign and a chalkboard. You can choose anything you have on hand for this step whether its large prints, artwork, or mirrors!
  • Layer 3: Halloween Accents – The more the better when it comes to the accent decor pieces. I loaded the space up with Halloween books [here], skeletons [here], witches hats [here], and glass jars [here] filled with Halloween goodies.
  • Layer 4: Spider Webs [here] – Now take your spider webs and stretch them over everything. Make them as big as you’d like and keep adding until you like the way it looks!
  • Layer 5: Spooky Wreath – I found this spooky wreath and knew it would be perfect in this setup. I layered it in front of the chalkboard and I love that it lights up to add an extra touch! I wish I could share a link but they no longer sell this one, here is a link to a few other spooky wreaths though!
  • Layer 6: Bats [here]– I went a little wild with the bats but the more the better. I ordered these last year from Amazon and used them for a few looks and knew I had to bring them back out again! I love that you can incorporate these into any Halloween look for a fun touch.
  • Layer 7: Candle Sticks- My final layer was adding in the candlesticks. I feel like these brought the whole look together and finished up my spooky Halloween piano! Quick Tip: add in the candlesticks last to make sure they are safe to light and out of the way of the other decor items.

I had way too much fun styling this piano for Halloween … I love the moody, dark, spooky Halloween vibes I get from this corner! Can’t wait to share more Halloween looks with you guys. These are so much fun for me to create and think outside of my normal comfort zone! Don’t forget to pin this post and save it for later. Follow me on Pinterest for more ideas and inspiration daily!

xx liz marie
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