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Something To Listen To This Week & Something To Make

Hey Quarantiners, I realize lots of people have lost all track of time and date, but I’m happy to tell you you’ve made it to Monday. Congratulations! Here are a few podcasts you can listen to this week:

1. I was a guest on Whitney Johnson’s famed Disrupt Yourself podcast and it was such a fun discussion. It feels like this happened a lifetime ago, but really, it’s only been a month. Hah!

2. Some of us are just taking this new covid-19 life hour-by-hour, others are feeling energized by the open schedule. My son Oscar is in the energized camp and started a podcast last week. It’s called Existential Teenager. You can listen to it on Spotify or Soundcloud or iTunes (and you can follow his podcast account on Instagram too).

3. When I was in Palm Springs I was a guest on another podcast, called Cultivate A Good Life, by Becky Higgins and Becky Proudfit. I think this was only the second time I’ve recorded a podcast in person with the hosts. It’s always fun when you get to be in the same room. (Also, they snapped the photo at top.)

4. If you’re like me, you’ve been excited about Brené Brown’s podcast Unlocking Us for weeks now, and hooray! it officially launched.

For those of you who are craving something to keep your hands busy this week, you’re in luck: quite a few medical-mask tutorials have popped up. No doubt you’ve seen the news that designers and textile entrepreneurs, like Christian Siriano, and Ellen Marie Bennett of Hedley & Bennett, have been using their professional resources to fill the urgent medical mask needs. So awesome and inspiring!

If you have sewing skills, you may be able to contribute to this effort as well. You can find tutorials by Ellie Fun Day and Mimi G Style (and I’m sure there are other great ones too).

And hey, if this idea is stressful to you, skip it — you may be needing a totally different coping mechanism and that’s good and valid.

Your turn. What are you listening to during your homestay? Any new discoveries you’re excited about? I’d love to hear. How about medical mask tutorials? Is there one you’d like to share?

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Design Mom


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