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Small Details Matter: What Not to Forget When Building Your Dream House

Building a home can be a stressful venture, to say the least. The stress increases when building your dream home when you plan on spending decades or the rest of your life in the home. The financial undertaking is a cause for some of the stress. Deadlines being missed by builders or unexpected obstacles will account for other aspects of stress. The small details are truly what can make your dream home different than others. You understand what your priorities are in terms of this home. A couple might have always wanted a pool and this wasn’t something they were willing to budget on. Other couples might need a home office space for both people as working remotely has become more common. The following are details that you should not forget when building your dream house. 

Be Realistic About How Much You Will Entertain 

The mistake that a number of homebuilders make is overestimating how much they will actually entertain. There are those that entertain monthly whether it be family or friends. Others might entertain twice a year during major holidays with years alternating among different family members. A giant dining area might not be necessary when you can add space to areas of the home you will truly get the most out of. 

Create Outdoor Activity Space 1

Maximize Usable Space By Finishing the Basement 

Usable space in the home being maximized can allow different areas to be designated as specialty areas. An enclosed back porch can be used as an exercise space while an additional room can be used as a space for hobbies. The basement is a huge part of a home that is rarely used to its full potential. Finishing the basement can add a multitude of livable space to the home’s square footage. Not only will this increase the value of the home if selling the home but will make the home more livable. A family with a teenager can allow them to have privacy in a finished basement. Some of these basements have their own separate entrance which can be perfect for renting out on Airbnb as all you need is a full bathroom to be included. 

Create Outdoor Activity Space 

For those that have children, an outdoor activity space in a fenced backyard is important. The fenced backyard provides security while you can easily watch the children in a certain space. Being able to have people over for dinner and eat outside on a cool night is an added benefit. Pools are popular in some areas of the country where it is possible to swim without heating the pool. Florida and some parts of southern California are two states where utilizing a pool is possible. A shower outside can also be useful as long as you have water softening systems if you, unfortunately, have hard water. 

A deck connected to the home can be the best place to grill on the entire property. Grilling is an extremely healthy way to prepare meat and vegetables. Being able to entertain outside will reduce indoor messes that have to be cleaned up from spills or people tracking dirt into the home. 

Create Outdoor Activity Space

Kitchen Being Open to the Living Room

Young parents are going to understand the need to be able to cook and watch the children simultaneously. The open concept is extremely popular but not for all homebuyers. The open kitchen can allow for conversations to be held rather than a cook feeling isolated. The kitchen island is a must for a number of larger families where quite a bit of food prep has to be done. A family can easily serve themselves from a kitchen island or from a counter due to the extra space an island provides. Movable islands are very popular as sometimes you need more walking space than counter space after cooking has concluded. The kitchen is usually the main place to congregate around the fridge or during parties as people tend to stay close to food. 

Consider a Detached Garage 

The garage does not have to be connected to the home although this is preferable in certain climates. Some people do not want to brave the cold in states like Minnesota even for the few seconds it takes to get to the home from the detached garage. The detached garage can be a workshop area as well. Instead of using the basement for storage, a multiple car detached garage can hold the cars. The added space to hold lawncare equipment or even fitness equipment will be utilized well in this detached garage space. 

You shouldn’t have to settle when building your dream home. Make sure the small details are taken care of to give your home the unique feel that you want. 

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