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Sleep Meditation Made Easy For Beginners

There are plenty of reasons that might be causing you anxiety before you sleep. Whether it’s a to-do list that never seems to end, worries about the future, or temporary discomfort, these issues have a tendency of cropping up when it’s nearing bedtime, and it can disrupt very valuable rest and recovery for the night. Sleep meditation is a really wonderful way to ensure you’re putting yourself back on track, and with the help of a couple of tools, from body pillows for extra comfort to the right kinds of apps for the job, understanding that sleep anxiety is something you’ll be able to overcome with ease.


Here are some of our favorite tips for sleep meditation, especially for those of you who are beginners –

Download An App For Sleep Meditation

When you’re a total beginner to sleep meditation, downloading an app for sleep meditation can make your introduction to the process a lot easier. Some great examples of apps for beginners include Headspace, Calm, and Insight, all of which allow you to have access to a meditation coach who can actually guide you through your meditation processes.

Most sleep meditation is very simple – all it involves is bringing the breath into consciousness, and then doing scans of your body to try and bring your focus to the present. This is what makes the practice of sleep meditation particularly effective for those who struggle with sleep anxiety since what it intends to stop is racing thoughts and anxious thinking.

If you don’t want to download an app before you try and see whether or not sleep meditation is right for you, there are also plenty of options on streaming websites such as Youtube or Spotify for guided meditation practices that are going to help you get closer to getting a good night’s sleep.

Finding The Best Mattress For A Good Night’s Sleep

Making sure you have a great mattress for a good night’s sleep might take a little bit of trial and error. When you’re working through what the best mattress for your rest might be, think of your individual requirements when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. Here’s how to ensure you’re going to find the best mattress-

  • High-Quality Materials and Production – The best mattresses are going to have independently certified materials and production processes that are transparent and traceable. This is how you know your mattress is going to stand the test of time, and stay a product you can truly trust.
  • A Warranty That Protects Your Purchase – A mattress is a big purchase, and no matter how many reviews you comb through, comfort can be pretty subjective. That’s why the best mattress companies have warranties that protect your purchase for a certain trial period, as well as any natural damage caused over time.
  • A Balance Between Comfort & Support – Finding the right mattress for your comfort might be good for short-term sleep, but without an adequate amount of support, you’re going to be waking up with a lot more body ache than you’re used to. The best mattresses tend to know how to strike that balance between support and comfort and can ensure you’re going to sleep well and soundly through the night.

Practicing Mindful Breathing Every Night

Once you’re convinced you to have the best mattress for a good night’s sleep, it’s time to work on your ‘breathwork’, which is simply a term for the types of breathing you can engage in during sleep meditation. Being watchful of the way you inhale and exhale each night might sound minor, but it can do a lot in restoring a sense of calm and peace to your sleep.

It might be helpful to come up with a mantra that you can chant through the night, one that is personal to you and brings you some amount of peace. It can be a word, a phrase, or even a quote that resonates deeply with you. When you find your mind going down a spiral you don’t want to engage with, you can choose to move through your anxiety by bringing back your attention to your mantra.

Another way to bring attention to your breathing is to think about incorporating some kind of calming exercise routine to your bedtime – nothing too heavy. Some night-time yoga practices help you bring back your attention to your breath, and can be a great way to bring back some much-needed focus to your breathing and anxiety.

Using Visualization Techniques For An Extra Calm

Visualization techniques can be another useful way to ensure you’re sleeping better and engaging with sleep meditation in a meaningful way. One of the ways you can use visualization to minimize your stress is by thinking of your anxiety having a physical form – one that you can pick up and put away. Think about peace, calm, and a good night’s sleep as having physical appearances too, and think about the ways you’re going to center them in your own life so that you’re inviting them into your life.

Thinking about your anxiety and peace of mind in these concrete forms might sound a little strange, but when you put these practices into work, you’re going to find it a lot easier to catch up on a good night’s sleep. Many of these techniques take a lot of time to practice and perfect, so be kind to yourself in your approach to how you handle this as well.

Whether it’s finding the best mattress for your sleep or simply downloading a new app, sleep meditation is a really useful, holistic tool, not just for a good night’s sleep, but also for anxiety in general. By focusing on practicing and incorporating these techniques as part of your daily routine, you’re going to be left feeling a lot calmer, balanced, and energized.

Remember that most people encounter sleep anxiety at some point in their lives, so it’s worth trying out a couple of different techniques to figure out what it is that works for you.

Happy meditating!

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