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Simple DIY Custom Ornaments

I get asked all the time where to find affordable ornaments from people who are wanting to switch up their Christmas decor, but who need a lot of ornaments for a large tree. To be honest it’s really hard it’s really hard to find beautiful ornaments that go along with your Christmas decor that are affordable when you need a lot of them. For that reason buying ornaments feels a little permanent when you are choosing a color theme, but today I wanted to share a little Christmas decor hack with you that you probably already knew about, but maybe you didn’t think about it in this way…

These simple DIY custom ornaments are the easiest and most affordable way to bring new life to your tree & to change out the colors and the design of your Christmas decor. Today I just used things that I already owned like scraps of Christmas greenery & ribbon, but I will be back with more designs and ideas this week for some DIY ornaments! With the ribbon, tinsel, & leftover greenery all you do is open the top of the ornament & feed them in. Then after the items are in your seal the ornament back up with the topper and either add a hook or some string to hang them in your tree. A box of these ornament are less than $ 5 for a set & if you use items you already have or the items below, it won’t cost you a fortune to get a bunch of pretty new ornaments…

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I hope this inspires you & gives you an idea for an affordable way you can change up your Christmas decor this year! Let me know if you try this at home & be sure to tag me so I can see. Thank you guys so much for stopping by the blog today & every single day to see what we are up to! xx

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