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Simple and delicious pumpkin bread recipe

Because I’m fully in the fall spirit, I was on the search for a good pumpkin bread recipe a few weeks ago. I found this super easy one online and of course had to share it with you. You know if I’m sharing a recipe it’s SUPER delicious and really easy. 🙂
I made some slight adjustments to this recipe to fit our tastes better. I think it would be SO good with raisins too, so I added those (and some others) as an option as well. The ingredients are pretty basic and easy to find! 
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Here are the ingredients (grouped by how you mix them): 
1 1/2 cup flour
1 tsp salt
1 cup sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 cup olive oil (canola or vegetable are fine)
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 cup water
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp allspice
1/2 tsp apple pie spice
1/2 cup walnuts
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup chocolate chips
And the steps for preparation: 
    1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
    2.  You will need two bowls for this recipe. Sift the first four ingredients together in one bowl.
    3.  In separate bowl combine the pumpkin, olive oil, eggs, water, spices and walnuts or other optional additions:

easy and delicious pumpkin bread


     4.  Mix the two bowls together. Don’t mix too much. Mine ends up not quite as thick as oatmeal (pictured above). 
     5.  Pour into sprayed 9x5x3 loaf pan and back for 50 to 60 minutes. Or make muffins — the mix makes 12 and they are perfect out of the oven in 25 minutes. You’ll know when they are done when you put a toothpick into the bread and it comes out clean. 

I use this muffin tin and it’s perfect for this pumpkin bread!: 
pumpkin shaped muffin pan
It bakes them perfectly! This particular one is hard to find now — this one is the same pan, but with even more cute designs! And this one or this one would be lovely for a pumpkin bread loaf. I may have to grab one of those as well. 😉 
I use an ice cream scoop to fill my tin so the batter doesn’t get everywhere: 
how to make easy pumpkin muffins

Don’t fill them all the way to the top and give the pan a few taps on the counter to get air bubbles out — I forgot to do that this time!
I’m telling you what…these come out SO good. They are moist and fluffy and just scrumptious

delicious pumpkin bread recipe

Powdered sugar sprinkled on top would be the perfect finishing touch! 

They take no time at all, especially if you’re making the muffin version. I’ve already whipped up two batches in the past week. If you like pumpkin even a little bit you will love this recipe. It’s not an overwhelming pumpkin taste…just enough! And your house will smell like fall all day when you bake them. 🙂 
Here’s an image you can pin for later if you’d like to make these:
Moist and easy pumpkin bread

You can also see my easy crock pot applesauce here: 
easy crockpot applesauce

And my popular banana bread recipe (SO good!): 
perfect banana bread recipe

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