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Should I Paint My Home Before Selling?

When it comes to making a quick sale, there is a lot you can do to boost your home’s appeal to potential buyers. From baking a loaf of bread to displaying fresh flowers, there are countless methods that experts recommend to homeowners looking to sell their property fast. However, it can be difficult to work out which methods are most effective.

One of the most well-known ways of adding value to your property is by adding fresh paint, with estimates that decluttering and adding a new coat of paint could add 5-10% to your home’s value. However, every property is different and it may be the case that there are other more effective ways for you to present your home in its best possible light. Before starting any external repainting it is always a good idea to check with your local borough that there are no restrictions on what you can and can’t do to the outside of your house.

In this article we will look at whether it makes sense for you to paint your home prior to selling up, or whether there are other things you should focus on before listing your property.

An easy way to improve the look of your property

improve the look of your property

Nothing can create a good first impression like a new coat of paint. Painting your property can do a huge amount to enhance your home’s attractiveness to potential buyers and, arguably, there is no substitute for a beautiful blank canvas.

A fresh coat of paint will create the impression of a well looked-after space, and an immaculately clean feeling within the property. If the colour scheme of your home is somewhat dark and unwelcoming, lighter shades can illuminate, and enhance the feeling of space. Popular hues are whites, greys, even pale beiges and off-white shades. Even the scent of fresh paint in the air can do a lot to subconsciously convince potential buyers of the value of your home.

It should be noted that the external look of your house is just as (if not more) important than the internal decoration, as a strong curb appeal is high on the wish list of a large percentage of buyers. Painting the front door is another good way to maximise the chances of a positive first impression.

Things to bear in mind

If you have painted your home only recently (within the last year) then it goes without saying that you don’t need to repaint your entire home as long as it still looks good. Remember that any potential buyers who come to view your property will be imagining themselves in your space. Therefore, it is always best to stick to neutrals when redecorating prior to selling. A neutral property comes with the added bonus of being perceived as ready to move into straight away.

If you wish to save money you can paint your property yourself. However, this may not be the best option for beginners, or those who are short on free time. You should bear in mind the cost of ladders tall enough to reach the ceiling of your property, and of dust sheets and other items required to protect the flooring and any furniture within the property.

Factor in the time taken to apply two coats of paint – including time for the first layer of paint to fully dry. This is because two coats of paint will create the best finish. For those who do not want the added pressure of painting their home themselves, an experienced painter/decorator is the best option for a truly professional finish

Other options for creating wow-factor

creating wow-factor

The return on investment associated with painting your home before selling is, typically, high, so it’s unlikely that you would fail to recoup the cost of painting your house. However, it may be the case that painting your entire property is too daunting a project, and you would rather focus on more manageable tasks like simply touching-up damaged paintwork in areas where the paint is obviously chipped.

There are other things that can be done to increase your home’s cosmetic allure. In many cases, making small adjustments to beautify your property may be a better return on investment than ambitious DIY projects. This LDN Properties guide discusses other top tips you can consider to enhance the value of your property.

Moreover, simply tidying up and curating choice items in a stylish way can create a great first impression for potential buyers. Decorating with fresh flowers, giving windows a thorough clean inside and out and hiding unsightly objects like bins are more tips for impressing viewers.

As always, weigh up your options and consult the experts when necessary. By thinking strategically and considering what will make the most impact you will surely impress potential buyers and, hopefully, make a quick sale.

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