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Sephora Must Have’s

I’ve been wanting to share my favorite makeup & skincare products with you guys for a while and here we are I am finally doing it!! Sephora is having a 10%-20% off sale using code SPRINGSAVE so I couldn’t have picked a better time to do it. These are products that I love and use regularly if you are looking for new products to try I would highly recommend any of these. For my 30-year-old skin I’ve been loving the simple glowing look. It adds youthfulness without being heavy or too much… if that’s a thing. Basically, these are the makeup items I’ve been loving lately although I don’t use all of them every day altogether I do love each of them & I didn’t want to keep it to myself because it’s been really good to me so I hope these help you as well… Simply click the photo to shop for each item I separated my favorites based on makeup, skincare, and tools to use!



My skin is oily/combo with a few little dry spots once in a while on my nose. I also used to suffer from horrible breakouts & even though now my skin is better now, all of these things did not make me breakout when I was struggling. That’s a win in my book! My skin is definitely not as oily or acne prone as it used to be in my earlier 20’s, but let’s just say my skin isn’t normal or dry….


That is it guys. I hope this helps for you guys looking for new items from Sephora & that it helps some of you out there in some way. I always love seeing what other peoples favorite makeup & skincare products are and finding new things to try. If you have any products you think I’d love let me know in the comments. Thank you guys so much for stopping by the blog today!!

xx liz marie

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