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Sending Holiday Photo Greetings

Custom designed photo Christmas cards that you get to choose all the colors, fonts and more.

Sharing how I custom designed my Christmas cards this year. It was so much fun being able to choose not only a Basic Invite design, but the colors, fonts & more.

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care. Christmas music is playing in my house that is festively decorated for the holidays. The first batches of cookies are baked and seem to be disappearing rather quickly. The gifts are all bought, as well as wrapped and ready under the tree.

My holiday season “prep-list” is almost complete.

As I sit back this final week before Christmas, I get to enjoy everything I have accomplished up until today.

But I still have one more thing I like to do for the season and that is send out holiday greetings to my family and friends.

In our email and social media, screen-focused world, getting a pretty card in the mail with a handwritten note on the back is a special treat. No #hashtags required to be seen and enjoyed.

Getting a photo Christmas card filled with the smiling faces of the people we know is even better.

Basic Invite Logo

This year I teamed up with Basic Invite, to create the photo Christmas card I am sending.

Custom printed holiday photo cards
This post is sponsored by Basic Invite, as always opinions are our own.

Before heading over to the Basic Invite website to design my card. I had to get a photo of Ed and me. I waited for a sunny day back in early December, grabbed Ed and my camera to get a photo.

Basic Invite photo Christmas card

Once I had the photo uploaded to the Basic Invite site, I had fun playing around to find the best holiday cards I could design. I could easily match my color preferences and style.

I even played around with using photos of my granddaughter in a few of the card designs. It was very easy with a few clicks.

Basic Invite is one of the few websites that allows customers almost unlimited color options with instant previews online. Once you select a design, you can change the color of each element on the card. With over 180 colors to choose from, you can make sure the card is exactly how you want it.

Have a howly jolly Christmas

Plus, you can get a printed sample of the actual card or invitation before you place your final order. You get to see the paper quality and how it will print in real life to make sure the card is exactly what you want.

Christmas holiday greeting cards

There are many colorful and festive holiday greeting card designs. Literally hundreds. From traditional Merry Christmas or modern Merry Xmas cards to Hanukkah and Happy New Year cards and invitations.

Some of the card design templates are for one photo; others you can upload a few photos. This is nice when you can’t seem to choose just one photo.

Happy Holidays Photo greeting card

I chose this Happy Holidays card. I liked that it sends greetings and happy wishes for both Christmas and the New Year.

Happy New Year Holiday photo card

With the year we have had though… the thought of sending a Happy New Year card did cross my mind. 🙂 As 2021 is something we are all eagerly anticipating.

I liked having the ability to preview each of the card designs I tried out with my photos, using different colors and fonts. I tried many combinations until I liked what I saw and then placed my order.

Normally during this week before Christmas, Ed and I would be attending a party or two, taking in a Christmas concert or event. None of these are happening this year, but I am happy that I am still able to sit back and relax this week and get my holiday greetings sent out in a style that I like.

Perhaps next year, life will look somewhat more familiar, with holiday events, festivities and parties. I look forward to being able to host a holiday party again that I can make special by choosing a dinner party invite template to customize along with my Christmas card. Keeping my fingers crossed for that.

Are all your Christmas preparations pretty much done? Or do you still have a few things to check off your list?

I am planning on enjoying a relaxing week now that my Christmas prep is complete. I hope you can too.

If you haven’t sent your cards out yet or need to create an invitation, Basic Invite is offering 15% off with coupon code: 15FF51 to my readers.

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