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Scratch Marks on Vinyl Siding

Listener’s Questions

vinyl siding
There are options to hiding scratches on vinyl siding.

Linda has a 75-year-old bungalow style home with vinyl siding.  She recently hung a large metal decorative star on the outside.  Following a big wind storm, the star left unsightly scratch marks on the siding.

Using an artist’s brush Linda could try to blend the paint with a matching color.

If she’s dealing with aluminum siding the scratches could come off easier provided she sand, paint, and prime the walls.

If Linda wants to repaint her siding here’s how she can go about it.

  1. Thoroughly clean vinyl siding with a stiff nylon brush using a mixture of TSP (trisodium phosphate) and water.
  2. Rinse the siding with a garden hose equipped with a spray nozzle, and allow it to dry.
  3. Apply a bonding primer, or a quality exterior primer with a bonding primer additive, and allow the siding to dry.
  4. Apply two coats of a high-quality acrylic latex paint, allowing drying time between coats.

If the vinyl siding needs additional cleaning, add special cleaning solution to a pressure washer, or mix up the following in a bucket to use to clean by hand:

  1. 1-gallon water
  2. 1/3 cup powered laundry detergent
  3. 2/3 cup TSP (trisodium phosphate) cleaner

Dip a long-handled, soft bristle, car cleaning brush in the solution; and scrub the vinyl siding gently starting at the bottom and working your way up.

Follow by rinsing off the cleaning solution with a garden hose, starting at the top and working your way down.

Listen to the embedded audio clip above for the full answer!

Read the blog from the March. 7 show and listen to the full broadcast here.

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