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Questions About The Furnace Installation Process

You might not think much about your furnace when it’s not cold outside. When you do need it, then the thing might be on your mind every time you feel warm air keeping your home safe and comfortable. How long will that last though?

Furnace Installation Questions

Even if your furnace is still working, is it as efficient as it can be? How many years does it have left? What’s the process of furnace replacement or installation like? What steps do the technicians go through? What are the benefits of a new furnace? These are all common questions for homeowners such as yourself who might have an older, ailing, or even failing furnace. Keep reading for a glimpse into all about this.

Before Replacement

Your contractor should start off with ACCA Manual J calculations or something similar. They need to know the unit capacity before helping you choose the new furnace. This preparation work should also include an analysis of the ductwork and airflow system for breaches and inefficiencies that should be addressed to make life easier on your new furnace.

Equipment Removal And Replacement

Your technician will properly shut down the system and old furnace, if it’s not already dead, before physically removing all components needing to be replaced or upgraded. Then, the new unit will be installed in place, with connections made and properly sealed.


You’ll likely be very relieved once your technician fires up the new furnace, but their job isn’t done there. They need to go back through and make sure everything is working right, as well as clean up after themselves.

furnace installation

Benefits Of A New Furnace Installation

Having a new furnace installed isn’t just about getting rid of the old one, although you’re more than likely happy to see its problems and stress get hauled out the door. Depending on what your old one was like, and how old it was, then there are quite a few potential advantages of having a new one installed. Look forward to the following:

Better For The Environment: New HVAC units can be up to 35 percent more fuel-efficient than the systems they replace. That means you’ll be consuming the world’s resources at a far slower rate than you did beforehand.

Cheaper Maintenance: A new furnace installation will be covered by thorough warranties for several years, from the individual parts to the whole unit. Your upfront cost for buying and installing it will be higher, more than likely, but you’ll only have regular upkeep on it for a while instead of breakdowns and emergency calls. For instance, a Seattle furnace installation will be used more than a Florida furnace installation, calculated simply by the number of hours used.

Enhanced Comfort: Your home will enjoy a consistent temperature once more. Newer units might even have humidity control, letting you improve your interior comfort even more. If you couple that with getting a quote from an insulation contractor to find even more savings by installing insulation in your attic or crawl space, you can keep temperatures consistent to complement the furnace installation.

Higher Resale Value: Prospective homeowners love residences that have been well-cared for, and a new furnace says a lot about you and how much you took responsibility.

Improved Airflow: Variable speed motors are more common on high-efficiency furnaces, letting you enjoy better airflow through every register in your home.

Quieter: Furnaces can get very cranky as they age. Say goodbye to the shakes and rattles that happen when an older furnace initially fires up to get going.

Knowing when to stop repairing an older furnace and having a new one installed can be a tough decision. Furnace installation professionals can help you make this call if you call them for a consultation. Now that you have read a brief rundown of the furnace installation process, you know what to expect to happen. You also know the benefits you’re likely to enjoy from having new equipment put into your home.

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