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Propane Gas Vs. Electric Heat: Pros and Cons of each

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How you heat your home can be a significant choice.  It affects how much you pay every month, what impact you have on the environment, and how you’ll source that power.  Although there are dozens of options, there are just a handful of main contenders for winning.

Propane and electric heat are incredibly different, despite both getting used to warm your home.  Here are the various pros and cons of both, so that you can make an informed decision on what you’d like to use.

Electric Heat: Pros

Electric heat gets used in most homes in America.  It’s taken as a given when you’re buying a home, and not something you have to hunt down to the source.  It’s relatively risk-free, cheap considering some opposition, and has been in use for the last hundred years.  Although it’s not completely green yet, more and more states and cities are moving towards cleanly sourced electricity, using wind or solar power.

Propane: Pros

Propane is one of the least expensive sources of fuel you could use.  10% cheaper than electricity on average, it racks up long-term savings that you can invest back into your home.  Since propane burns at a higher temperature, it can heat a home quickly and evenly so that you won’t need to worry about any cold spots.

Propane also is considered one of the greenest heating sources you could use, emitting no greenhouse gases and leaving a negligible carbon footprint behind.  Although some may not be able to find it near them, you can have local propane suppliers deliver it to you so that you don’t even need to leave your home.

Above all, heating with propane also increases your property value so that if you ever want to sell, you can be sure to make your money back.

Electric Heat: Cons

Electricity drags a lot behind it, despite the glowing pros it has.  It’s known to heat irregularly, leaving people’s homes with cold spots and areas that don’t quite heat through.  It’s also a toll on our environment, with electricity leaving an environmental impact on our water, air, and ground.  Heating with electricity is also more expensive, leaving people freezing in their homes so they can save money.

Propane: Cons

Although propane has a great amount going for it, it does have some cons as well.  It’s harder to source unless you live in an area with propane businesses already running.  If you want a home that heats with propane, you have to change it over yourself since most places haven’t gotten set up for propane.  The average cost of installing a propane furnace is between $ 3000 and $ 5000 which can be a high upfront cost for a lot of homeowners, even though it will save money in the long run.

Regardless of what power source you choose, go for one that suits your home and lifestyle best.  Consider your wallet, your approach to the green movement, and how much you’re willing to invest in your home.  Don’t make a choice that will leave you out in the cold!

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