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Pradeep Kumar & Company

With the advent of new ways of crime , be it digital or telephonic or person to person, the ways to solve it must also increase. So, here at Pradeep Kumar and Co. We provide you with ways so that you can deal with it better. You can directly go to the link


  • Be it
  • Divorce
  • Marriage registration
  • Antitrust & Competition
  • Commercial & corporate
  • Corporate restructuring & insolvency
  • Regulatory
  • Employment
  • Environment
  • FDI
  • Intellectual Property and M&A
  • Private equity
  • Civil contracts
  • Cyber crimes proceedings

You name it and we can help you. We have our offices in new Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon but we have our links with other associate lawyers in more than 15 states across India.

We, at Pradeep Kr. And co. Dedicate you with the best of our lawyers to help you in the best of prices available. We have the best team of lawyers and advisors to guide you in the fields mentioned above, always keeping you first and keeping your best in mind. We connect with you at required times, analyse your case with expertise and provide you with the best available lawyer in the Delhi NCR region and the 15 states that come under us.

With our expert team, we listen to you over just a phone call and guide you with the best legal advice. We provide you affordable legal services.

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