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Our Vlog Is Back!

I’m so excited to say today that we are VLOGGING AGAIN. If you didn’t know, before Cope was here we would vlog every once in a while. If you don’t know what vlogging is, it’s like blogging, but in video format. Sometimes it’s about a DIY, sometimes it’s about something on the farm, sometimes it’s showing you behind the scenes, & sometimes it’s just a video of our day. We haven’t decided how often or how many times a week these vlogs will come out, but we will keep you posted. Today was just kind of a… welcome back of sorts. They will of course be available on our Youtube Channel [HERE], but I will also be posting them to the blog here so you don’t miss them. We would love if you would subscribe to our channel… more videos coming soon as we start back into vlogging!

Welcome back to vlogging! Click the video below to watch, or go [HERE] to our channel.

We hope that you will check out our blogs as we get them up and running again! Thank you for stopping by the blog today & every day to see what we are up to! xx

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