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Onecoin: The Ever Greatest Blockchain Theft

OneCoin isn’t simply a cryptocurrency fraud. Because of its large but ill-informed, quasi-religious audience, it had been associated with a cult. OneCoin fraud is so big it had pulled in over $ 4bn,$ 100 m from the UK alone and users across the globe being swept up in the scheme.

OneCoin proclaimed to be a murderer of bitcoin and would become the top one global cryptocurrency. The truth is that OneCoin never had a blockchain and functioned as a financial institution. In a sense, they still work to aim all the claims against them. In this article, we can clarify precisely how Onecoin is the greatest cryptocurrency fraud ever and how it functions the injury of the FBI and what the users should expect from the whole scenario. Take our lesson in cryptocurrency. If you want to know more about bitcoin trading then visit codecondo.com

How is the scheme at OneCoin operating

OneCoin hadn’t needed tech-savvy users right from the onset. They just approach users who are not well knowledgeable about cryptocurrencies and technology at large. They used the original cryptocurrency language to seem authentic, copying related concepts. They proposed for example banking for the unbanked and democratizing currency claimed that if they had an Internet link, users would be able to use OneCoin on their devices. OneCoin expanded exponentially utilizing social media to reach the general market worldwide in prominence.

Blockchain Theft 1

By 2016 they announced that they had more than two million customers, more than any other cryptocurrency. Allegedly by 2017, the figure reached as large as 3 million. Many of the facts and myths that OneCoin offers its fans are distorted. It is estimated to have $ 4.5 billion market capitalization in 2016 well behind bitcoin. Further to that, they additionally said that there are practically no vendors tolerating Bitcoin which again is a curve on reality.

Plagiarized material and the processed application

Onecoin gained revenue by selling its plagiarized educational packers that came with what they perceived to be mining tokens. They said they had to be placed in a mining method and then they had OneCoin.It’s claimed the instructional resources were there only to claim they didn’t achieve it by tokens or even OneCoin. Users purchase schooling from a training organization instead. It is important to notice that the term Onecoin does not feature in all of their educational packets.That no one was involved in the educational bundles is highly likely they only wanted OneCoin. It even maintains social network alerts. They’re really involved in attempting to disprove being a hoax, sometimes using bots to downvote videos depicting them in a derogatory way. And also used to refer to their acts as electronic welfare.

Blockchain Theft

Nowhere to trade OneCoin

Another blinking sign Onecoin is a fraud is that OneLife is the only spot where Onecoin can be purchased. The users can purchase, use them or exchange Onecoin Nowhere else. DealShaker is the only known location that might seem to support OneCoin. The website of Dealshaker is where the users will bring products and services for OneCoin and euros. It seems like DealShaker could be a fraud organization to prove that they had a contract with OneCoin. With different types of cryptographic currency, people can buy and sell for fiat on free markets, such options were not possible for OneCoin.

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