Home / The Market / NewsWatch: ‘Godfather’ of technical analysis says stock-market downturn is going to get worse: ‘I am looking at a 10% drop maybe a little bit more’

NewsWatch: ‘Godfather’ of technical analysis says stock-market downturn is going to get worse: ‘I am looking at a 10% drop maybe a little bit more’


It is going to get worse before it gets better for the stock market, says prominent technical analyst Ralph Acampora. See full story.

‘My daughter has been chiding me for frivolously spending her inheritance. Now she won’t speak to me’

‘My financial adviser assures me that if I live within my current budget I’ll still have over $ 1 million in savings at age 100.’ See full story.

This gorgeous country is the No. 1 place to retire abroad — and you can do it on just $ 2,200 a month

International Living is out with its list of the best places to retire abroad See full story.

Oil stocks are the new tobacco, in ‘death knell phase,’ says Jim Cramer

CNBC’s Jim Cramer says is a sentiment shift for oil stocks is not fleeting. He compares the situation to the upending of consumer habits and regulations that changed the tobacco companies forever. See full story.

Monica Lewinsky on Trump impeachment witnesses: ‘gee … I had to give that videoed witness testimony…’

Trump’s impeachment trial expected to end Friday after key Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander opposed hearing witnesses See full story.


‘From observations, the virus is capable of transmission even during incubation period’ See full story.

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