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New Windows in The Living Room

You guys!! THIS HAS BEEN A DREAM OF MINE FOR YEARS!!! We finally have windows on either side of the fire place in our living room. I have been saying for years that I hoped to eventually have windows on both sides of the fireplace and we finally did it! I wanted to share an update on the blog today but will be sure to share more as we make more updates to the windows as we finish the space. This is for sure not an “after” beauty shot blog post.. this is very much an “in between” progress view blog post…

We used the 200 series windows from Andersen Windows. We have used Andersen Windows & Renewal By Andersen windows throughout our entire house. Whenever installing completely new windows [like these] we use Andersen Windows. Anytime we are replacing old windows in the house we use Renewal By Andersen. Slowly but surely we are replacing all the windows in our home & adding additional windows to spaces that have none as we go.

Inside we still have a few things left to do before this spot is “finished” [is anything ever finished around here?!]. We need to complete the trim for the window still & we plan to update the fireplace. Its so exciting that our living room is looking more like what I’ve wanted it to look like for the past few years. I’m so excited for all of the extra light that will come into our living room with these new windows! Stay tuned for all of those other DIY’s coming very soon to a blog [& Instagram] near you…

I am in love with how our house looks from the outside with the new windows. It completely transformed the way that side of our house looks with the new windows installed. We are getting new siding installed on our house in August, so it’s not complete yet just like the inside, but I already love it so much more. I can only imagine how much more I will love it once the new siding is up…

I hope you guys enjoy seeing the progress we’ve made in this room. It brings me so much joy to share our home with you guys & I wanted to give you guys the full look at this space ASAP! Thank you for stopping by the blog today and every day, it means the world to us.

xx liz marie

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