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My Valentines Decor Picks

Valentine’s Day is often a day that goes overlooked in the Galvan household. I realized I wasn’t the best gift-giver when one Valentine’s Day I got Jose an Usher CD [haha] and he got me a beautiful necklace. I knew instantly that he was always going to be better at thoughtful gifts. I’ve had a few of you reach out for ideas on Valentine’s day decor ideas so In my travels around the world wide web, I kept that in mind when looking at my favorite sites to shop. It’s best to keep things simple for this day of love. I try to stay away from bright pinks and reds and lean more towards florals. After all, it is the leading day for floral sales. Nows a great time to get a fresh spring floral wreath that can carry you into warmer months. You can check out how I have decorated for this day of love in the past [HERE] and [HERE]. I have also done some Valentine’s Day DIY’s in the past, which you can check out [HERE] and [HERE]. Below are my picks for simple Valentine’s day decor. Shop my current favorite valentine’s decor items by clicking on the individual images.

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