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My favorite kitchen gadgets {that make meals quicker and easier!}

Hello my friends! I’ve been busy on a paint project I hope to reveal next week. Until then, I wanted to share a few of my favorite kitchen gadgets I’ve been using a TON lately.

Now that we’re eating more at home (more meals and just…more) these have been on a constant rotation around here. I’ve had them all for a long time, but have used them more in the past month than I did in the past six months!

I don’t mind cooking — I’ve shared quite a few delicious recipes over the years. But I’m all for anything that makes meals quicker and easier. These all save a lot of time and effort!

My favorite popcorn popper

I’ve told you about this one before, but it works so great it’s worth mentioning again. If you like popcorn as much as I do, it’s a must! I’ve tried all kinds of poppers, even doing it on the stove just in a pan. My go-to used to be this popper you would stir, but it would get beat up so quick, I was always replacing them. I was on the lookout for something new. 
I found this one at Homegoods, but you can get them all over! It’s the Dash popcorn popper:
Easiest popcorn popper for great price
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I love it because you just fill it up and turn it on…that’s it. You use the little cup that fits on top to measure your popcorn: 
How to use Dash popcorn popper
Pour that inside and then just turn it on! You do NOT add butter or oil to the machine. 
The cool thing is you can put your butter in that same cup and it will melt with the heat of the popper: 
Easy and fast popcorn with Dash popper
Then just pour it on! 
Lately we’ve been really into this movie theater butter (which I’m sure if full of horrible stuff, but it’s GOOD) along with real butter, but both are delicious. 
My favorite thing about this popper is how easy it is, but I also love that it pops WAY more of the kernels than any other way I’ve tried: 
Best popcorn popper
**I recommend using regular sized kernels — the small ones tend to go crazy in this thing and fly out everywhere. 
**Also, turn it off before the last few kernels are popped so the popcorn doesn’t go flying.  
You can find this Dash popcorn popper here or here

Quick and easy egg cooker

This one will only be useful if you like eggs — and if you do, it’s a game changer! I know boiling eggs is not hard. But this Dash egg cooker is quicker and even easier:

easy hard boiled eggs with Dash egg cooker
Dash seems to carry a lot of helpful kitchen gadgets!
For hard boiled eggs (my preference), you just have to poke a tiny hole in each egg with this tool:
How to use Dash egg cooker
Then fill the measuring cup with the appropriate amount of water and pour it in: 

egg cooker for hard, soft or poached eggs

Flip the switch and it will beep and turn off when finished. That’s it!

I find these are WAY easier to peel than those I make on the stovetop. Other than the ease, that’s the best part about this cooker.

**The eggs will be HOT! Take care when removing them.

You can find this Dash egg cooker here and here!

Air fryer for quick meals 

This one has been used the most of all! I LOVE our air fryer!!: 
Power xl air fryer for easy and quick meals
You can cook meat and meals in it, but we haven’t tried much of that yet. 
It’s so great for snacks like chicken nuggets, pizza rolls, tater tots…basically everything that’s not good for you. 😉 I’ve made potato wedges in it as well…so many foods come out perfectly in this thing: 
air fryer for making quick and easy meals
The size isn’t huge, but I stack food and it comes out great. Sometimes I pull it out half way through and mix them up a bit. 
You can adjust the time and temp — they give you guidelines but I find it’s better to test it out and see what works best. I use the 350 temp most often and rarely have to cook anything longer than ten minutes: 
What to cook in air fryer
I recently started making our bacon in it and it comes out perfectly crispy! I love it!
It saves the time it takes to preheat the oven, and usually cooks faster than it would in the oven. Clean up is pretty easy — just take the tray out and wash both parts. 
You can find our Power Air Fryer here or here.
Have you used any of these gadgets? If you have an air fryer I’d love to know what you make in it. I think if you try these you’ll find them incredibly helpful! 
A couple years ago I asked for tips on using the pressure cooker…and I still haven’t used it once. I really need to attempt it but it intimidates me. (Check out the comments in that post for helpful tips and recipes!)
**You can pin this for later with this image: 
Helpful kitchen gadgets for quick and easy meals

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