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Mini Cozy White Christmas Tree

It wouldn’t be Christmas without a cozy white tree! I’ve slowly been adding Christmas to our home & of course that includes a few white christmas trees. I love showing you guys inspiration for styling your tree this holiday season & I thought this mini tree would be perfect to share on the blog.

Not every Christmas tree has to be a huge tree, sometimes the perfect tree for your space is a small one. When I found this mini vintage tree I knew I needed it in our home & this year I decided to decorate it. I don’t always add ornaments on my trees but I thought this one could use some! This may be the only tree this year that gets ornaments, but I’ll keep you posted on that! I wanted to share the ornaments on the blog so you could find them for your trees as well. Shop the ornaments below:

I love how cozy this little white tree is & I hope that it shows you that it doesn’t have to be big, perfect, green, or average… it can be a quirky old white tree with whimsical ornaments and be perfect for a cozy Christmas. This is so perfect for bedrooms, small living spaces, & hallways! I hope seeing this it inspires you in some way.

Whether your tree is big or small, white or green, decorated or flocked, it’s most important to do whatever makes you feel cozy this season! The holidays are much different this year than in other years, so I want to make it super special for our family. Cozy means something different to every person, so follow what makes you & your family cozy this Christmas! Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and every day.

xx liz marie

Ps. For more inspiration, here is a look at this little spot a little more simple:

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