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Make a sofa look new with these three easy fixes!

Hello there! I’m SO close to finishing up the huge built ins in the basement! I have a few more details to add, and then the really fun part — decorating it! I plan to share the whole thing with you next week. It looks SO great. 
I think sofas are the hardest piece of furniture to shop for…well, as least the hardest to pick RIGHT. After we paid off all of our debt years ago, I splurged on a beautiful, expensive sectional for our home, and years later I absolutely hated that thing. 
We had a number of problems with it — from the fabric to the cushions. I shared my review of our Arhaus sectional here

We later discovered this sofa from Macy’s that is my absolute favorite couch ever — you can see it in our old house here. (It was way cheaper.) We bought it right before we decided (very out of the blue) to move. Since I wanted matching sofas facing each other in our new family room, we sold that Macy’s sofa to the buyers. 
I have missed it since! I have a love/hate situation with our current sofas, and I’ll talk more about that soon. They are crazy comfy and I LOVE how the look — from far away. We’ll call them the Mona Lisa sofas. 😉 
I’ve had to come up with some ways to keep them looking decent over the past few years, so I’m sharing my tricks for making a sofa look (almost) brand new! 
white sofa dark blue built ins

We got these from a local store in Indy called Urban Underpriced for a GREAT price. 
First up, a trick I learned years ago that solved a problem that drove me batty — couch cushions that slide out:
how to fix sliding couch cushions
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The soft looked so good back then! 
The easy fix? A non-slip rug mat. It works SO well!: 
rug pad fix sliding couch cushions

You can see more about fixing sliding cushions here!
That stopped them from moving around all the time, next up was fluffing up the back cushions. 
Our dog perches on the back of each couch — it’s his spot to watch for everyone that is trying to kill us. 😄 I didn’t look close enough when I bought these sofas and didn’t realize the back cushions were just full of batting. 
They get smashed so easily: 
fixing smashed couch cushions

If you have the same you know how hard it is to keep them looking full and not smushed. My fix? Add more batting to fill them up! I’ve added at least a bag to each back cushion over the years:  
batting inside couch cushions
Another tip — instead of trying to reshape the cushions from the outside — I unzip and move the batting around inside. I usually have to push it back up to the top and into the corners. 
What a difference!: 
fluffing up couch cushions
Till the dog smushes them again. 🙂

If you have a sofa that has more shaped cushion with foam inside, you can add additional sheets of foam to puff them up again. 

And my worst nemesis — sofa fabric that pills up. Curses!! It happens all the time with ours: 
couch upholstery that pills

There’s an easy trick for this too! 
Grab a fabric shaver — they’re supposed to be used to remove pilling off your clothes, but they work GREAT for upholstery too!: 
fabric shaver

It takes a few minutes, but man…it makes a big difference!: 

get rid of pilling on sofa
My only complaint is we need to change the batteries often, so I was thrilled to find this plug in version. I ordered it today! 
Here’s another before of the sofa cushion: 
remove pills on couch
And after using the fabric shaver: 
how to depill sofa fabric

What a difference, right? These easy tips have helped keep our worn sofas looking better than they would!

Have you tried any of these tricks or do you have some of your own? I’d love to hear!
This tip for fluffing up a flat ottoman or pouf may be helpful too!: 
refluffing ottoman or pouf

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