Home / Interior Design / Madewell Very Rare 40% Off Sale

Madewell Very Rare 40% Off Sale

I want to start off by saying thank you Madewell from turning this girls day right around. When I woke up this morning and looked out my Mid-April Window to see my farm covered in snow, I needed some kind of pick-me-up. Well you pulled through, and again-Thank you Madewell.

My closet is no secret to Madewell clothing, I have turned the corner in how I shop, and truly believe in investing in some quality, higher quality items to bring together your wardrobe. I’ll admit, even as a thirty-something-year-old, and probably a forty & fifty something-year-old, it’s not always easy to flip those price tags around so see how bad you really need that jacket or new pair of jeans… but after going done this path of investing in a few items over-time it really does pay off and this 40% off sale really helps you get those items hanging in your closet.

I’ve put together a quick list of items that caught my eye, and that’ll end up in my shopping cart today, and if you like my style or think we dress alike, I think you’ll find something here too (especially at 40% off). Click here to shop the entire 40% sale or click the photos below to shop my picks!

I’m so glad I saw this sale in time to share with you guys! I hope you were able to grab some items from the sale, I know I will be placing an order tonight. This is so rare that Madewell has a sale this big & the clothing is such great quality it lasts for years, happy shopping my friends! Xx Liz Marie

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