Home / The Market / In One Chart: All of President Biden’s key executive orders — in one chart

In One Chart: All of President Biden’s key executive orders — in one chart

As people and markets around the world adjust to having Joe Biden as U.S. president, a key factor is what the veteran Democratic politician aims to accomplish without having to work with Congress.

Biden is making use of executive orders that affect health care XLV, +1.13%,  the energy sector XLE, +2.26%, prison stocks and other areas.

Below is a table showing orders that he signed on Jan. 20, his first day in office, as well as other executive actions that have followed or are expected.

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Key Biden executive actions
Subject Type of action Date
Re-engage with World Health Organization End withdrawal process Jan. 20
Create position of COVID-19 response coordinator Executive order Jan. 20
Rejoin Paris climate agreement Sign an “instrument” Jan. 20
Revoke permit for Keystone XL pipeline, pause energy leasing in ANWR Executive order Jan. 20
Ask agencies to extend eviction/foreclosure moratoriums Request Jan. 20
Ask Education Dept. to extend student-loan pause Request Jan. 20
Launch an initiative to advance racial equity, end “1776 Commission” Executive order Jan. 20
Revoke order that aims to exclude undocumented immigrants from census Executive order Jan. 20
Preserve/fortify DACA, which helps “Dreamers” Memorandum Jan. 20
Require masks/distancing on all federal property and by federal workers Executive order Jan. 20
Reverse travel ban targeting primarily Muslim countries Executive order Jan. 20
Stop construction of border wall Proclamation Jan. 20
Combat discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity Executive order Jan. 20
Require ethics pledge for executive-branch personnel Executive order Jan. 20
Modernize and improve regulatory review Memorandum Jan. 20
End “harsh and extreme immigration enforcement” Executive order Jan. 20
Extend protection from deportation for Liberians in U.S. Memorandum Jan. 20
Revoke certain executive orders concerning federal regulation Executive order Jan. 20
Freeze any new or pending regulations Memorandum Jan. 20
Fill supply shortfalls in fight vs. COVID-19 with Defense Production Act, other measures Executive order Jan. 21
Increase FEMA reimbursement to states for National Guard, PPE Memorandum Jan. 21
Establish “COVID-19 Pandemic Testing Board,” expand testing Executive order Jan. 21
Bolster access to COVID-19 treatments and clinical care Executive order Jan. 21
Improve collection/analysis of COVID-related data Executive order Jan. 21
Mount vaccination campaign amid goals such as 100 million shots in 100 days Directives Jan. 21
Provide guidance on safely reopening schools Executive order Jan. 21
OSHA guidance for keeping workers safe from COVID-19 Executive order Jan. 21
Require face masks at airports, other modes of transportation Executive order Jan. 21
Establish a “COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force” Executive order Jan. 21
Support international response to COVID-19, “restore U.S. global leadership” Directive Jan. 21
Ask agencies to boost food aid, improve delivery of stimulus checks Executive order Jan. 22
Restore collective bargaining power for federal workers Executive order Jan. 22
Repeal ban on transgender people serving openly in U.S. military Executive order Jan. 25
Tighten ‘Buy American’ rules in government procurement Executive order Jan. 25
Reinstate coronavirus travel restrictions on Brazil, most of Europe Proclamation Jan. 25
End the Justice Department’s use of private prisons Executive order Jan. 26
Directs HUD to address discriminatory housing practices Memorandum Jan. 26
Combat racism against Asian-Americans, Pacific Islanders Memorandum Jan. 26
Directs agencies to engage in consultations with tribal governments Memorandum Jan. 26
Pause new oil and gas leasing on U.S. lands/waters, elevate climate change as national-security, foreign-policy priority Executive order Jan. 27
Re-establish President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology Executive order Jan. 27
Directs agencies to make decisions on best available science, evidence Memorandum Jan. 27
Reopen Obamacare marketplaces, lower recent barriers to joining Medicaid Executive order Jan. 28
Lift certain restrictions on abortion funding Memorandum Jan. 28
Keep aluminum tariffs on U.A.E., scrapping Trump administration’s exemption Proclamation Feb. 1
Begin ending “Remain in Mexico” program, “restore” U.S. asylum system Executive order Feb. 2
Start roll back of “public charge rule” (which imposes a wealth test on would-be immigrants), review other recent barriers to legal immigration Executive order Feb. 2
Create task force to reunite migrant families separated at the border Executive order Feb. 2

Source: Biden administration

Biden is slated to sign three immigration-related executive orders at 5 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday. They initially had been expected on Friday. White House press secretary Jen Psaki last week attributed the delay to a Republican filibuster that held up the confirmation of Biden’s nominee for secretary of homeland security, Alejandro Mayorkas.

U.S. stocks DJIA, +1.78% SPX, +1.61%  traded higher Tuesday, as investors tracked earnings reports, distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and progress in Washington on another relief package.

This is an updated version of a report first published on Jan. 21, 2021.

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